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★One Click★
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Sepetang bersamaku bersantai atas katil dan melihat ke luar tingkap dari bilikku awan tengah meng-orange. Okay, today my entry was about someone that is so annoy me since Gawai holiday. Who was that person? Nah, let's keep it to myself. I don't want to mention the name cause this blog is public.

Tersebutlah kisah si anak dara ni terjumpa dengan seorang gadis yang asal-usulnya aku pun tak tau. Yang aku tau dia seorang manusia berjantinakan perempuan. Other than that, I really don't even know her and I don't want to know her. Tak payah la aku cerita dari mana aku jumpa orang ni tak penting pun. Okay, yang buat aku rasa menyampah sangat sangat ialah dia ni perepot! About what? She told my boyfie that I'm having fun and drink. Oh please. Ko ingat boyfie aku kan marah akulah? And kitorang ada clash and you suddenly came to him ask for sympathy. Macam tu eh? Sorry baby girl, you are totally wrong. You mess up with the wrong person.

Lepas hari itulah aku mula meluat tengok dia and what even worst! You know what? She text my boyfie before that day happen. Aigoo, unbelievable. What a small world. I wonder how she and he can text each other. So, aku memulakan sesi soal jawablah, with my boyfie. Dia kata perempuan tu yang dulu text dia and I was like --- derrrr and you pleasant to reply her back? So kanji. I was mad okay with both of them. And that girl, pretend that she don't even know me while she's texting my boyfriend. I think I wanna put you into the elephant big ass. If only I knew this before I met her. Eeeee sigi tupi ku ngau tuak amai amai d nyk. Bangka! Geram ehhhh. Stupido! I don't care if you are my friend's relative.

Beberapa hari lepas tu, my boyfie ada datang 'ngabang' to my rumah panjai. :) We took picture together and I make it as my profile picture. Cuba teka apa berlaku lepas tu? Haaa si kanji menyerang Facebook boyfie aku and inbox him. What did she said?  " Arap dik bahagia." Hahahahahahahaha, tau pun kau ye? Masih ada harga diri lagi rupanya.

A weeks later, I can't find that user anymore. Hahaha, baliklah ke jalan yang benar wahai manusia.
Okay then, menamatkan entri aku di sini. 

I know you so well, boy I Love You. ;)

★ Thanks For Dropped By.Peace And Love ★